Development of in-flight magazine advertising

In-flight magazine advertising is a form of advertising the information that businesses want to convey to customers through in-flight magazine publications, this is also a very popular form of advertising by brands with great results it brings. Beautiful form, reasonable cost and especially being able to reach a group of readers, mainly traders, business owners, people with decent incomes or more, … are the strengths of the form. We will introduce more deeply about the form of magazine advertising on the plane:

1. Development of in-flight magazine advertising

Development of in-flight magazine advertising
Development of in-flight magazine advertising
The form of advertising through newspapers and magazines has appeared for a long time. Currently, this form of advertising is more and more developed and diversified thanks to the growth of economy, culture and society. Businesses began to look for the most effective form of print advertising. Besides, Vietnam’s aviation industry is in a prosperous period, this will be a partner with great potential for businesses.
In-flight magazine advertising can be said to be a new variation of the form of magazine and publication advertising. Many businesses today are trying to retain a position in the publication of aircraft magazines to advertise their products, services as well as for their brands.
This type of aircraft magazine advertising can help businesses solve many problems in brand marketing. On flights, technology devices will be limited to use, so aviation magazines are always the number one entertainment product right now.
The magazines are so eye-catching and eye-catching that passengers won’t hesitate to pick them up and read them. This helps the information about the business, brand, advertising content be remembered in the best way. From there, the flying environment will become an extremely effective marketing space.
Airplane magazine ads are used for a long time, repeated on flights as a type of in-flight advertising. As a result, businesses can easily reach their target customers and leave an impression in their heads.

2. Some of Vietnam’s leading aircraft magazines

The airline brands will have their own magazine publications. will point out 3 magazines of the leading airline brands in Vietnam. The first factor to confirm the quality of a magazine is its luxurious and eye-catching content and design.
It can be said that three magazine brands: Heritage (Vietnam Airlines), One2fly (Vietjet Air) and LOOK (Bamboo Airways) are the leading magazines in terms of beautiful design and attractive content. Therefore, advertising or PR articles create an impression and bring trust to readers.

Heritage – Vietnam Airlines

Quảng cáo trên tạp chí Heritage
Advertisement in Heritage magazine
Heritage is the first entertainment publication accompanying passengers on Vietnam Airlines flights. Established in 1993, Heritage publication has made its own mark in providing entertainment information on Vietnam Airlines flights.
In addition to the unique strength of readers on each flight, Heritage is still continuing its mission on flights, still making new breakthroughs in content quality as well as advertising worthy of a channel. Top advertising media chosen by customers.
Heritage is a publication that reaches more than 24 million premium readers each year, which is a desirable number for brands to aim for. Not only providing quality entertainment for passengers, Heritage also offers many quality products, building trust in the eyes of consumers based on the form of in-flight magazine advertising

One2Fly – Vietjet Air

tạp chí One2fly
One2Fly Magazines
Vietjet Air owns an aviation publication, One2Fly, which is released in a multi-channel format including: on all Vietjet Air flights, agents, domestic and foreign ticket offices, hotels, big bank. One2Fly reaches about 2.5 million readers in 1 period.
By professional investment in layout, plus attractive, rich content, ads are brought in naturally, creating great affection and building trust, increasing persuasion client.
Using the form of magazine advertising on the plane through One2Fly publication, investors will have the opportunity to approach a group of customers with stable income segments from good to above.

LOOK Bamboo Airways

Bamboo Airways' LOOK magazine advertisement
Bamboo Airways’ LOOK magazine advertisement
Look is a magazine that is said to be the soulmate of passengers on each Bamboo Airways flight. This magazine officially became an entertainment publication of Bamboo Airways in April 2019.
LOOk is present on most domestic and international flights, lounges, ticket offices of Bamboo Airways, it is present in every row of all its flights at airports as well as other systems. system of 5-star resorts and hotels of FLC Group nationwide. LOOK magazine is also a target for many businesses to carry out magazine advertising campaigns on airplanes.
Nextbrand is proud to be the Agency that has cooperated with in-flight magazines for many years, providing top quality service for in-flight magazine advertising. We own a lot of experience in implementing communication and advertising campaigns for many large enterprises, confidently becoming the leading partner of businesses.
Nextbrand Vietnam – Nextbrand Vietnam Media Joint Stock Company
Head office: Room 602, Cho Mo Trade Center, 459C Bach Mai, Truong Dinh, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi
Tel: 024 6668 0000
Hotline: 0936 727 737

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